Will a lens for a 1996 nikon N70 work on a D3000?

I'd like to buy DSLR, but I'm a little low on money.So, since I already have a film nikon, could I just use the lens from that one? Also, refurbished nikons - yes or no? Are the number of shutter acuations a problem when buying a refurbished DSLR? Thanks!
Added (1). I spelled shutter actuations wrong, sorry! (I forgot the first t… Whoops)
Added (2). Also, I'm looking at the refurbished nikon on adorama (http://www.adorama.com/INKD3000R.html), which doesn't say how many actuations is on it. What should I do?

The lens will mount, but without knowing which specific lens, can't say how well it will function.
If it is the standard 28-80 zoom that came with that camera, it will mount, but it will not autofocus.
You are really better off if you can get a camera with a kit lens. For the D3000, that would be the 18-55. That lens will AF on that camera, making the whole experience much more enjoyable.
Nothing wrong with factory refurbs from Nikon. I wouldn't touch one with a really high shutter count, like over 25, 000.

If it's a Nikon AF-S lens, it will mount, meter, and autofocus. If it's a Nikon AF lens, you'll need to use manual focus. If it's a Nikon Ai or Ai-converted lens, it will mount, but you'll have to manually meter and focus it.
On higher level Nikons, such as the D90, D7000, and up, you'll get more compatibility. But I've been able to use many of my lenses from my D60 and D65 cameras on my digitals.
