Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon FG SLR machanical shutter problems?

Logan R
Logan R

I have a late 80's early 90's Nikon FG SLR camera with a stuck shutter this camera is purely machanical it is not digital what so ever and it takes film I really want to fix it but I need some help and I took it in but they said do some digging online and I did and found nothing on it but a good help is appreciated thank you oh and I forgot to add the film won't proceed when I try to take another picture


You took it in and they said to go online? Find an authorized Nikon dealer or go to the Nikon online support and send it to them. Unless you are quite handy with tools and delicate hardware, you are better off getting a professional.


It's actually early '80s and you were told to go online because the shutter is electromagnetically timed, not mechanically (around that time, I knew a man who'd been doing repairs for decades - he saw the advent of electronic shutters as God's way of telling him to retire).

Your local Nikon dealer should be able to put you in touch with an authorised repairer, but Nikon themselves aren't too hard to contact.