Nikon D3400 with no external mic jack? Idea on how to get it? Is my idea viable?

So elgado released the camlink that allows you to connect your camera to a pc to use as a webcam and also works with obs studio as a webcam so I was thinking of pluging in my windows tablet with usb 3.0(Recommended on site) to my nikon d3400 with the cam link and then mounting the tablet to the camera with multiple adapters including a hotshoe spliter(for the mic) and then pluggin in my microphone to the tablet and mounting it on the hotshoe, it is about $200 in parts and it gives me a sweet 1080p monitor, it gives me external audio, and it lets me tweek the mic imput and everything while shooting but the only down fall i see is that the camera will turn off in 30 minutes(which is still better than the 20 minute recording limit) and it also lets me shoot in 1080p at 30fps, 60fps, or 24 fps.
my camera is compatible with the requirement and so is the tablet, so i was wondering if this is an ok idea, but i was also thinking of at somepoint upgrading to a 4k camera like the panasonic g85 or the sony a6300.
Imput would be apresiated on if it will work, i think it is a god idea cause i can also use it with future cameras but it is a kinda bigger investment.

Use a portable digital audio recorder and sync the sound with the video when you edit.
Tascam, Zoom, and Sony make good ones.
Your investment could be as low as about $100,
and it would be a hell of a lot less complex than what you described.

Agree with spacemissing. Why on Earth are you using a Nikon for video? If video is all that important to you, you really should consider getting rid of the D3400 and going with either a Sony or Panasonic which are 3-5 years ahead of even the best Nikon DSLR in terms of video performance. Plus you won't need all of the extra stuff because Nikon leaves all of it out of their cameras and then charges you more for the privilege of owning a Nikon.
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