Nikon 5100 is better than canon 600d? If true why?

Nikon 5100 is better than canon 600d? If true why?

So what does "better" mean to you? You don't understand. Between these two companies, when you're talking apples to apples, there's no better. Different of course but not better.

I would personally rate the Nikon D5100 higher,
Having said that, you have to remember that its more a matter of personal preferences
Besides, its the person who is operating the camera which makes the real difference
Snapsort compare,
DXO mark,

Why bother with either when you can have a Pentax K- 30?
Sony will blow both away for video.

People can argue about this and point to different features. But when it comes to the image sensor, the Sony Exmor sensor in the Nikon beats the Canon sensor, hands down, and that's a fact, not my opinion.
The newer Sony sensor in the Pentax K 30 is even better than both of these, and has more useful features.
For heavy video users, Sony Alphas are better.

I feel like DSLRs are all pretty much equal its the lenses you buy that make the difference, this is just a personal opinion, I have a Canon 600d and I study film at uni and have no problems with it for what I do.

If you think the Nikon 5100 is better than the 600D, what else matters? Go with it and be happy with your choice.