Is it true that Nikon D7000 is better, than Canon EOS 7D?

Is it true that Nikon D7000 is better, than Canon EOS 7D? body is better but nikon lenses are better in my opinion

Nope. They are much of a muchness, if you ask me. Both camera body and lenses. It's just a matter of personal preference and aesthetics.
I own a 7D and almost swapped, but could not stand the sound of the D7000 shutter. It just sounded like a tractor compared to the 7D's smooth Rolls Royce sound. I tried both and and I must honestly say that, picture quality wise, they're pretty much the same.
P.S. Oh, and the 7D was superior where it came to speed. A very, very nice camera, all in all.

In what way?
The bigger question is what camera system do you want to be married to for the next couple of decades. Attempting to change brands after you have a camera and a couple of lenses can get very expensive.
To discover that, you are going to have to visit a proper camera shop and hold both cameras in your hands
If you are asking how their sensors perform head to head, look here.

It all depends on your demand.

The image sensor in the Nikon is a Sony Exmor one, It blows the Canon image sensor away, not opinion but fact. The Canon is a more high end crop sensor dSLR and will have a more robust build and weather sealing. I would let anyone argue which is better in actual AF speed, accuracy, ease of use etc. But what counts most in my eyes is the image sensor. The Sony sensor is better at high ISO, has a huge lead in dynamic range as well.

They are very comparable cameras. I have used a D7000 to shoot commercials and I have used the 7D (with PL lenses) to shoot a TV show. They are both great cameras for motion. The D7000 was my back up body for stills until recently and it was good enough to shoot jobs in a pinch. What do you want to shoot and how do you want to shoot? That's what determines which camera is better for you. I prefer Nikon lenses in general but to be honest, when I shoot motion, I use Zeiss lenses which work on both systems. You won't go wrong either way.

Where Nikon D7000 excels: Flash photography. I often find myself in situations where I'm shooting event photography (weddings, movie premiers, benefits and galas) where I need to use a lot of flash. For this kind of photography, I'll always prefer to be shooting with a Nikon. Nikon's flash metering (how the camera magically decides how much light to fire out of the flash) is much more consistent than Canon's. You can take a Canon and shoot the same scene three times in a row with flash and all three images will be at different brightness levels. You can do the same thing with a Nikon and all three images will be wonderfully the same. If you're somebody who plans on shooting a lot with flash (indoor photography, event photography, etc.) you'll want to consider going with Nikon.
DWhere Canon EOS 7D excels: Videography and Richness of colors. I've been in numerous situations where I've been on the red carpet taking the exact same picture as the photographer next to me. I'll have a Canon and the person next to me will have a Nikon. This has provided quite a few opportunities to compare the images side-by-side. What I've found is that the colors on the Canon's images look richer and make the image pop more. If I'm doing fine art photography (anything I'd like to someday hang in a gallery), I'll always want to be shooting with a Canon for this reason.