Nikon d750! Reviews please just updating cause mistyped d650 instead of d750?

Need your thoughts on when it comes to low light performance, the 6.5 Fps continues shooting when shooting a moving object and overall performance. Real and thoughtful answes


You can see the ISO performance here:
If you consider that in the days of film, professional sports photographers used cameras with just 5fps, 6.5 fps will likely be fast enough your needs. If you used a camera that can shoot 10fps and could also track focus at that frame rate too (many camera that can shoot faster can't also track at this speed), then you would have more photos to choose from and possibly get a better shot. However, shooting at faster frame rates is not a guarantee that you will get the perfect shot; it's merely increases the likelihood.
Since you appear to need fast frame rates, you need to know two things about the D750. First, how much slower is the frame rate once the camera is set to continuous focusing. When Nikon publishes the frame rates, the cameras are set to manual focus with the shutter speeds at their fastest. If the image isn't in focus, then the camera won't take the shot which will therefore force the frame rate to fall by some amount.
The other thing you need to know is how many frames can the the D750 shoot before the internal buffer becomes full. Once the buffer is full, the camera will drop its frame rate to just 1 fps. Here's a link showing the buffer sizes of various Nikons:
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