Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon 1 J1 or V1? Which to buy?


Which should i choose and why bearing in mind i would like to make decent Professional looking films great pictures of moving and still objects which may be in the dark oh and i don't want to break the bank… Asking a lot? I know

Jim A
Jim A

Well the first thing I would say is you can't do "films" with this camera because it doesn't shoot film, it shoots video. Terms are important.

Second both of these are what's known as EVIL cameras. Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lenses. Actually they're nothing more than a way over priced, glorified point and shoot pocket toy that happens to change lenses and doesn't even have a view finder - what's up with that.

For that money you can get a real camera, a dslr that is far higher quality, probably longer lasting and that shoots good video.

Of course, buy one if you like but to me they're cameras that are for snappers, not real photographers.


The big difference is the that the V1 has a viewfinder and the J1 doesn't.

Tests showed the cameras have similar performance:

I woud go withe the V1 with viewfinder, even if it is electronic.

But if budget is a factor remember you are paying extra for the smaller size of the J1 and V1.

The linked article also has a performance comparison with the cheaper entry level NIkon DSLR, that outperforms the mirrorless cameras.


If you want anything that remotely looks professional, skip those two cameras… They are jokes. Buy a DSLR instead.


I think the J1 is a better camera then the V1. I can give you a number of reasons for that.

Advantages of the Nikon J1 over V1:

1. Significantly smaller 106x61x29 mm vs 113x76x43 mm
2. Slightly better image quality 56.0 vs 54.0
3. Better color depth 21, 5 bits vs 21, 3 bits
4. Slightly lower noise at high ISO 372 ISO vs 346 ISO
5. Significantly thinner 1, 2" vs 1, 7"
6. Built-in flash Yes vs No
7. Cheaper $599 vs $849
8. Slightly lighter 277 g vs 294 g

There are couple of things that the V1 has that the J1 doesn't:

1. Has a viewfinder Digital vs None
2. Has an external mic jack Yes vs No
3. Supports an external flash Yes vs No

I still think the J1 is the better camera.

Best price for J1 that i found:

Best price for V1 that i found:

A helpful review about the J1:


Neither. For the amount of money of those cameras, you could probably get a Nikon D5100 (with a kit lens) and get better quality starting out. Then when you can afford it, spring for some better glass. If you get a good quality lens and take care of it, you can make it last 20 years or more and only upgrade the camera body when you outgrow the old one.