Nikon SLR Cameras

New to photography, what kind of camera?


I'm new to photography, but have always taken an interest in it. I have a regular digital camera that I use to take pictures, but I would like to get one of those good Cannon or Nikon cameras. Any kind of cameras from good companies like those, I would love. My price range would probably be anywhere to $500.Is that workable? Any help would be great, since I have no idea where or what to look for.


Other than dslr's like Canon, Nikon or other brands, there are also some interesting ones like Olympus Pen E, Pentax Q or Sony NEX.


Best camera? That would be the one you use a lot so that you sharpen your skills. The Nikon D3100 is a good entry level DSLR, but Canon also makes excellent gear. Just remember…

A camera is but a paint brush, it is more important who is holding the brush than which brush it is. All decent cameras can take wonderful pictures in the right hands. Spend your time studying great lighting and composition because even a great camera can't fix bad lighting or composition. And have fun with whichever brush you buy.

Dakota Rising
Dakota Rising

If you are a beginner, you should probably get a point-and-shoot or a bridge camera first.DSLRs can be confusing, mostly if you're a beginner.Lenses are expensive, you need to use manual mode, and they are heavy and expensive.


Sounds like you want an SLR. Go to the manufacturer websites and do some comparison shopping. Read some customer reviews.


I'm currently enrolled in college and majoring in photography. I'll give you some help with features instead of model numbers and brand. Get a DSLR that has at least 10 Mega Pixels, interchangeable lens, includes Program, Aperture Priority (Av mode), Shutter Priority (Tv mode) and Manual mode. It should have the capability to shoot RAW format as well as JPEG format. Most DSLR cameras from such companies as Nikon, Canon, Sony and Pentax that are currently available will meet or exceed the pixel requirement in either the less expensive APS-C sensor size or the Full Frame sensor size.
I personally am using a Sony Alpha 290 that I bought new with a 18-55mm zoom lens, f/3.5-5.6. This cost me about $495.00 (US) from a local shop. You should be able to find some online that fit your budget. Yes, I like the Sony and it works well for my current needs.No, it isn't the camera's fault that you don't make a good picture with it any more than it is a kitchen knife's fault when you slip and cut your finger. It's the artist's tool. There are some great resources free online to help you improve your photography what ever skill level you're at. Happy shooting!