My nephew pottied on my camera, Water damage

So last night I baby sat for my sister and her 2 year old son is being potty trained. He fell asleep on my bed playing with my camera. When I went to wake him up this morning he was on top of the camera! ( Nikon S3000 ) The pee had been on the camera a while, but when I wiped it off and put the battery back in the light turned on but the lens wouldn't open. Advice? (Camera advice) I could kill this kid right now…

If it was just water, then you might have had a chance
since urine contains a plethora of salts and dissolved molucules, it can reap havoc onto the camera's internals.
you also made the mistake of turning the camera on when it still had urine inside.
it is probably cheaper to get a new camera

Soak it in rice for a few hours, and give it a couple of days to dry out.
The damage may be irreparable, but its worth a shot

Put the camera in dry rice. It draws the pee out of it and it should work. It also helps to draw water out too.

The mistake you made was letting a 2 year old play with your camera. I don't even let adults "play" with my cameras.
BUT… Dr. I is correct. The best thing you can do is remove the memory card, and then send the camera into Nikon for a repair estimate. Depending on what they say, it might be cheaper to by a new camera… And NOT let kids play with it.

The urine may already be eating away at the circuit boards in the camera.
Take it in to a camera repair shop As soon as possible before any more damage is done

Urine is much more than water. And that is why this is not something that rice will fix. Urine contains salt, and acid. Both of which are not good for your camera.
Nikon would be the ones to have to completely strip the camera down to component level and clean the entire system. I would guess that this is not a warranty repair, and the cost of doing so will be more than the camera is worth.
Time to buy a new camera. Once you have it.don't let it get used as a toy.