Is an old Nikon n5005 worth using?

Any reviews of it are from years ago and I'm not sure how the quality compares to todays digital and modern type of cameras. Pros & cons?
Added (1). I'm not the best photographer and I'm not sure what type of lens. Seems like something pretty average? I don't know anything about lenses but it says 50mm 1:1.8 AF NIKKOR on it.

Well, that camera uses 35mm film… What kind of lens is on it? And of course it's worth using, if you're a good photographer that cameras is capable of taking fantastic photos.

The n5005! I use cameras much older than that and people actually pay me to do them the favour! The oldest lens I use was made in 1934 and most of my cameras are from the 1960's and 70's.
Quality of image often has little to do with the age of the camera. Cameras were built very well, and in some ways, better in previous decades than now. Only recently have DSLR's caught up to the highest resolution a good 35mm print can contain and they are still working to catch up to the exposure latitude.
You don't have to be "the best photographer," nobody is! All you have to be is a dedicated photographer who reads a basic 35mm photography manual and follows the instructions. While the n5005 is not a very desirable camera to seasoned photographers, the lens and the photographer contribute more to the quality of the image and you have a nice lens and clearly the interest to take nice photos.
Good luck with your camera and feel free to email me with any questions at