How much is my old camera worth?

I have an old nikon camera (from the 70's or 80's i'd imagine). I can't find any identifying numbers or anything except on the back it says Nikon FM 2107836. Obviously FM is a type of camera but there are many versions of it… The lens is a Nikkor 105mm 1:2.5 and the number on it is 741394. I have seen similar lenses from 100-1000 dollars but I can't find the specific one I have… So yea what do I have here and what could I expect to get for it?

Your 105 is an Ai-s lens. In good working and cosmetic condition, its worth about $175.

Depending on the condition. Is it an SLR? If there's minimum wear showing on the camera and it is an SLR then you could probably get $75-$100 for the camera and maybe $50 for the lens. Unfortunately 35mm film cameras are cheaper than ever now days because of the digital fad. I would recommend going to a local camera exchange company in your area and see if they could give you a price for the lens and camera. But what I have been seeing is you can pick up a very decent film camera and lens now days for around $100.
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