Nikon SLR Cameras

Can I use Nikkor 18-105mm for photography?


Can I use Nikkor 18-105mm for photography?


Let me ask you this… What else are going to do with it? It's a camera lens, which sort of leads to being used for photography.

It is much better for photography than as a soup ladle.


Can you use a keyboard to type?
Can you use an oar to row with?
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What else would you use it for?

david f
david f

Only if you have a camera with a compatible lens mount. Otherwise, it's an expensive paperweight.

Sigmund Fraud
Sigmund Fraud

Yes but you'll never be able to use it as a step stool, Nikon won't tell you that but trust me it won't work. It also makes a terrible fishing lure and an even worse paint brush, the company likes to keep these things secret.


I've no idea what else you'd use it for. Maybe a paperweight?