Nikon SLR Cameras

Is the Nikon 3100 SLR a good camera?


I'm very interested in photography and hope to someday become a professional photographer. I was just wondering is that Nikon is a good camera or what is even better then it. My budget is like $500 or $600.


What up camera girl


Your budget is very low.

Buying a DSLR on a tight budget is problematic, because nobody really tells you just how much other gear you will need/want on top of the camera.

Even if/when you DO find a DSLR plus lens in your price range, there will always be way more expenses ahead.

You'll want and/or need a few other things such as tripod, filters, a bag, sensor cleaning gear, a second battery, memory cards, perhaps a remote shutter release etc.

That's just the small stuff - I can guarantee you that you'll also want more lenses. You'll probably buy cheap ones at first, then regret that, then start saving for the good quality ones, instead.
You'll also want a decent flash some day.

See how that list just goes on and on?
Owning a DSLR isn't cheap - at least not until you have built up a nice stash of gear. When you look at an advertised kit price, you do NOT see all the other gear that need/want with it.

Just some food for thought… I'm not trying to talk you out of this, just trying to be helpful in case you haven't thought about all this yet.

However, if you found one for that money and you're ok do without all the other gear, then I'm sure you'll grow to love that camera. Just make sure to really learn how to use it.


Just save a little longer and you can have the fined Nikon D3100… About $650

Billy F
Billy F

Nikon is one of the top 3 makers, if not number 1.

Eric Len
Eric Len

Yes it's great, but buying it doesn't automatically make you a professional. I hope you don't expect the camera to just make everything look amazing, it's up to you whether the shots will look good.

D3100 is one of the best price/performance models out right now, with Canon T3 as competition.

Here's a DSLR Buying Guide -