Is the Nikon 1 V1 worth getting?

I'm no professional, but I do enjoy high quality images. I'm looking for one that is more reliable than the traditional point-shoot cameras in the market. But as I pointed out before, I'm no pro so I don't look forward to spend on gear that I won't be using to its fullest.
I like the Nikon 1 V1, but will it be worth it? Or is there something else that I get?

That depends on you. Are you a snapper? Are you really interested in learning photography?
If the first, yes this would probably work. If the second no. These cameras don't even have a view finder, just a screen so they're really nothing but an over price pocket toy point and shoot that happens to change lenses.
Me, being a retired professional, wouldn't even consider such a camera. However, as I say if you only care about snapping then save some money and buy a pocket toy.

Jim A has a big point here…
The Nikon 1 is an interresting system camera. It is.far from cheap. It is kinda expensive. And some choices Nikon made are to say it nicely interresting.
It is not a camera that gives you easy access to pro controls. Oh no. It is a camera targeting.non pro photographers. It targets soccermoms!
Don't get me wrong it gets nice pictures it is well build. But its sensor is rather small and it offers more in the way of filters, fast shooting modes and so on then.well things a pro would want.
So in short it is a camera for soccermoms. Just ask asthon kutcher. It can do allot but not in the way a pro wants. It lacks the controls the Pro's desire.instead it offers allot of functions and modes that make many well soccermoms and average users happy.
For the price though how about a Panasonic GF3/GF5… Micro Fourth Third sensor is pretty big, bigger then the Nikon 1, it has a few funny filters, it has some great lenses and its small. Smaller then the Nikon 1.
And it has the controls the pro's like.