Is NJ Accessorys Legit?
I was looking for a Nikon D7100 body and I came across this site-
I was wondering if this site is really legit. If not are there any recommendations were I can buy a Nikon d7100 that are as cheap as the one on NJ accessory's
$287.95 less than BH Photo or Amazon. If it looks too good to be true, it usually is.
Whois lookup
The domain was created 2008-08-26. Not bad.
It hides behind a privacy protection service.
Website fails to show an address.
They do show phone numbers.
Direct/International: 1-732-917-7310
Fax Number: 1-732-349-3062
As seen at
telephone exchange is for New Brunswick, NJ.
As seen at
fax exchange is for Toms River, NJ. (About 50 miles from New Brunswick).
BBB searches for, NJAccessory, or NJ Accessory show no result.
I can't prove they are bad, but I think they show too many reasons for me to doubt that they are good. does not list them. Not good.
Looking over their website, they don't appear to have a street address or p.o. Box. Not necessarily bad, but I would like to know they have an address.
Their web address has been around since 2008, so that is good.
Unless I knew someone that had dealt with them, I wouldn't trust them.
I found njaccessory at and they have a whopping 4 reviews. One "reviewer" mis-spelled Canon as "cannon". One "reviewer" changed their rating after receiving a refund.
B&H - - in comparison has 74,584 reviews and an 8.8 of 10 rating.
My money would be spent at B&H.
I would not touch them with a 50 MILE pole.