Nikon SLR Cameras

Is NIKON good camera brand?


Getting a new camera soon i found one i like and its NIKON so i just wanna know if its a good camera brand

Weirdo Monkeyman
Weirdo Monkeyman

Nikon and Cannon are two of the most reliable cameras you could ever purchase (in the $200-$2000) category. Personally I wish I got a Nikon instead of a cannon (if thats any consolation)

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

Nikon is one of the best consumer camera brands along with Canon

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

Nikon & Canon rank in the top two for consumer cameras. Meaning everyday people like us, and many pros as well.


Yes, Leica, Nikon, Olympus, Sony and Lumix, the better brands in smaller cameras.


That is an affrmative, I just got my Nikon and I like it, and I had a Canon 35mm in the past (still have it, 10 years old and still works like new) a very good choice


Nikon's are exceptionally good cameras i've used the film cameras and their DSLR's i'm not a pro photographer just an amateur occasional user if i leave the camera on the program (automatic) setting it does superb photos
i've used a compact fujifilm digital camera i've had 10 years i've managed to get top quality pics out of it but it's number of mega pixels or probable lack there of is a let down


Yes it is