What brand provides cheap n good camera sony, nikon, canon?

What brand provides cheap n good camera sony, nikon, canon?

Personally speaking, i prefer sony brand because it really produces good cameras. I have also bought a sony camera which is cost-efficient and have used till now.

Brands to avoid are BenQ, Kodak, Vivitar and GE. Their cameras are cheap and bad.
Sony, Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Olympus, Fuji, Lumix are all good brands

I personally like the powershot A4000. Check out reviews on photography blog or dpreviews.
(just google a4000 and see the review).

Sony camera is best on price and it have a good quality.

Well, define brand

All of them do.
Nikon cameras to me are the best looking. I think they are pocket cameras are comparable and some maybe be a little more than others but you can't go wrong with them (nikon, canon, sony)
My friend bought a vivitar and it hd terrible quality felt like soft plastic and came with lens wipes that were just dryer sheets

I want to suggest you Sony brand for camera. It offers very good quality in cheap and affordable price range.

Sony and Canon is best camera brands…

I think its Canon for me with better quality also.

Why You are not buying camera online, i will suggest sony because camera quality is much better then others and easy to operate. Few month ago i had purchased sony camera.
For latest latest camera Visit Here
Ezmaal, buy camera online

That will purely depend upon your purpose. And your question is undoubtedly one of the most debated one in the field of photography.
If you need a compact point & shoot camera or even a compact prosumer one, I would suggest Sony.
I've used all of the brands you just said. That includes a Sony P&S (W-Series, T-series, S-Series), Sony Prosumers (H-Series), Canon powershots, IXUS, Nikon Coolpix etc.
Sony has always been on top for the features it gives. Comparing my 6Years old H5 to the new Canon SX series, I could easily commend Sony for better Video, Focusing, color-retention etc.
Nikon lacked the punch of Sony but was still better than Canon.
For SLR cameras, it again comes to purpose.
I would recommend a Canon if your usage is studio-based or macros and fashion. Nikon is better suited for rugged outdoor usage. I can say so because a $3000 Canon 5D Mk II looks flimsier than my old $600 D40.
Both Canon and Nikon have excellent line of lenses to suit your purpose. Entry level Canons have slightly better low-iso performance than entry level Nikons.
So evaluate your usage and see what suits you best.
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