Nikon SLR Cameras

Is It Possible For Me To Film In 3D?


Is it possible to film in 3d with a Nikon L110 Or a Fuji Hs-20 or can it be done it editing?


To film in 3D, you have to record in 3D. Is your camera a 3D camera? I'm not sure about these ones, but unless you want to animate things which is a complex job that not many can do, you have to film it with a 3D camera.

Jim A
Jim A

If you truly want to "film" in 3D yes a 3D camera. But I'll warn you that even a standard film camera can be about $70, 000. That doesn't take in the lighting, sets and the crew to run it all. To actually
film you'll invest about $100, 000 before rolling off a single frame.

However if you want to shoot video in 3d, by the way a completely different media than film, then you'll also need a 3d video camera… It won't be $70, 000 but it will be expensive.


You can either attach a "splitter" that gives side by side images that can be recorded, eg 1st link, or you record from one position and then record the identical scene slightly displaced, or use 2 cameras to record at the same time.

There's software that does a pseudo 3D, 2nd link and some hints and ideas about doing 3D videos, 3rd link


No, you need a camera that records in 3D. Fujifilm have released two 3D capable, compact cameras. The current model is the REAL 3D W3 and costs US$300+.
You would of course, need a 3D TV or monitor in order to view your movies in 3D…