Is it advisable to buy an used Nikon lens?

Desperately need a Nikon AF-S VR 55-300 mm lens. Can't afford a new one right now.
thinking of buying an used one from ebay…
Any advice?

You take a chance on used equipment, but there are some tremendous bargains on eBay right now, especially for fine film cameras. I'd check the seller's rating and any warranty or return privilege. EBay offers insurance on purchases.

Read the seller's feedback, not just the rating. Don't deal with anyone with less than 99.0% positive rating. The more transactions made, the better. Ask questions, even if dumb. The point is, a seller will respond kindly to each customer, no matter how dumb they seem. Read the details over and over again.
I have built my entire screwmount lens collection from eBay. Can't say it's a perfect experience but at present, I'm waiting for my latest item to be delivered.

That lens is brand new, I doubt you'll find anything used on ebay

Check for the sellers rating and if that is good than I don't think its a bad idea

Look up KEH Used Cameras, good prices and a return policy.
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