Nikon SLR Cameras

Is a Nikon 1 v1 a good idea for me?


I really want to buy a camera and recently I have seen the Nikon 1 v1 and I fell in love with it. I absolutely love the fact that it is a digital slr camera and I love the interchangeable lenses. I really want to get into photography but I don't want to lug around a giant camera. I'm totally fine with the price and I realise that it doesn't have an inbuilt flash. I want to know if this is a good camera without all of the confusing words. I want to know what is bad and what is good in plain, simple english.


Since it is a mirrorless camera it is technically not a single lens reflex. (The "reflex" refers to the mirror that reflects the preview of the image to a focusing screen.) It has advantages and disadvantages. A DSLR is going to be more capable, but the Nikon 1 should be very good while being less heavy and bulky than a DSLR.


This review gives the pros and cons of the camera and then discusses it.

Have you looked at the entry level DSLR's? They really aren't that huge. Take yourself down to a camera store and handle the Nikon D3200. Be careful, you might fall in love all over again.