Is 14 mega pixels better than 3.3?

I got a jazz hdv185 and it takes kind of cruddy pictures and videos and they are all choppy and laggy and just don't look right but my nikon that is 2.1 takes Way better photos and it looks nice… It also has flash but still even when flash is unneeded it still takes better pictures so is more less when it comes to M. P?

Well contrary to popular belief… Mp are just telling you how big the picture can get but not the quality of the photo… You got to test the camera and see of the pictures come out good

Like the other comment said

Mega pixels affect only the resolution of the photos. It means you can print them at larger sizes, but if the photos suck then you probably don't want to print them at large sizes anyway. The Nikon camera has a much better lens, sensor, etc, than the cheapie off brand so the image quality is much higher. Those super cheap off brand cameras such as Jazz are poorly made with low quality lenses and sensors and often suffer from problems such as light leaks.

TROLOLOLOL question… I think any Nikon, as old as it should be would kick a** from a what? Jazz hdv185? Come on dude…

Theortically the higher the MPs, the better. For normal postcard size pics 3.2 MPs are fine.
Higher MPs help if you are planning to blow up the picture.
Unnecessarily high MPs would just end up filling your memory card / storage device fast.
If you have a decent high resolution picture, you can have the option of zooming in an cropping the image and still be able to get a decent output on the prints.

Doesn't has to…
See a camera is more then just megapixels actually megapixels are the LEAST of importance.
- Does it has a good lens? A bad fuzzy lens can even give the best camera a hard time
- The sensor technology/size
- What size is the sensor 15Mpixels on a compact camera sized sensor tend to be allot worse the 15 Megapixels on a APS-C /MFT or any other big sensor. Just because the actual pixels. The size of those is bigger
- What level of technology modern sensors are allot better at capturing light at good quality.
- What in camera processor is used, different brands use different hardware chips, little computers so to say to turn the sensor data into JPG's
- What are the settings, ah well this is obvious. What are the settings.a good camera stuck on Low Quality settings will. Be quite limited.
So there's no simple answer. Though 3, 3 Megapixels sensors are pretty old and old tech! A Modern sensor 15Mpixel.could have its own issues. Like to small pixels causing excess noise! Which in turn asks for Noise Reduction and less details remaining.
A 15Mpixel probably is better.probably. But it could be worse.
Between those two cameras even though Nikon might have put to many pixels on that sensor. It still will be better image quality.