Nikon SLR Cameras

I'm looking for an entry level Digital-SLR camera?


I have possibly narrowed it down to:
Sony A390
Nikon D3100
Canon EOS Rebel T3
Sony Alpha DSLRA350X
Nikon D5000
I was thinking of settling on the Sony Alpha DSLRA350X ; however, I believe it is from 2008. Any other suggestion in the price range of these cameras? I primarily take pictures of nature and landscape. (I realize I will need lenses, but I was just going to purchase the camera body only, then select my lenses).


Of the ones listed, both the Nikon and Canon systems have over 60 lenses available for them. Sony has a lot less, less than half that number.

The Nikon D5000 may be in your budget range, but consider the newer D5100.It is one of the best entry level cameras available when considering its sensor performance

Visit the Nikon, Canon and Sony websites and do some research. You will be happier with your choice in the end if YOU do your own research and not depend upon unverified suggestions from unknown responders.


Well nikon and canon has the most variety of lenses. So if you think you are going to move up to pro in the future, I advise you look at those brands so you won't be limited to lenses.

If you think you are not going to go pro then any of those cameras will do. It will be all about personal preferences. My advice to you is to actually hold the cameras and see what you are comfortable with. See and feel which one you like.

PS: I have a nikon because my dad a nikon and he has a collection of lenses i can borrow. You should look into if you have anyone you could borrow lenses from. That could be a deciding factor.


I love the Nikon D5000, but you can't go wrong with any of them.
The D3100 is great, and it has a "guide mode"… (I personally believe if you're going to have a DSLR, learn to use basic exposure. BUT it may come in handy to some.)
Canon is a great brand, too.
It really all depends on your budget and needs. Read reviews, look at the specs, and decide what you personally want.


Get the Nikon D3100.It's a great entry level camera. Enjoy.


Sony is too new to DSLRs and this is a very old model.

Canon T3 competes with the D3100, while D5000 competes with the T1i. Both are discontinued and not worth your money anymore.

D3100 is absolutely amazing for the price!

Here's a DSLR Buying Guide -


Entry level DSLRs run $700-900. Check out the Canon Rebel XT, the Nikon D50, the Olympus 300, and the Pentax *ist. Any one of them will get you good pictures. You might want to look at the higher end cameras and lenses, and decide which brands lenses seem most likely to please you. Then buy that brands entry level DSLR. That way all your lenses will work when you upgrade.

The sd300 is pretty darn good for a camera under $400. Keep it and start reading and saving.