I want to get an SLR but which

I'm not a photographer, but I'm trying to get into journalism - so who knows when I might need a camera!
I don't want one of those little digital things. I have never liked them. I have been looking at getting an SLR for about 4 years now. I plan to take a 3 week trip to LA in 2 years time, after I have graduated university and I will want to take some nice photos for that.
I don't want the absolute bottom of the range SLR but I obviously don't need anything too fancy. I have looked at a few Nikon and Canon EOS cameras but all the technical wording goes straight over my head.
I'm a student so I'm pretty poor. My parents aren't well off in the slightest and can't help me at university, so they will not be able to help with this. I'm willing to live off the bare minimum for a while in order to purchase an SLR…
I think my budget will be around £300/£400.
Any help?

I have a Canon 350D it is 8mega pixel and having been superseded can now be bought quite cheap.
Don't be swayed by the number of mega pixels anything above 5Mp it equivalent to a decent film camera. I have a small 14Mp camera and the results as far as definition goes it doesn't come close to the Canon when blown up to the same size. Also the bigger lens in the Canon is better in low light conditions. People who own cameras are usually very careful with them so I would consider buying a good used one if money is a bit tight.

Canon 100D - Best DSLR Camera for Beginners

Are you saying you won't need a DSLR for 2 years really?
If so then wait and you'll be able to get this year's model for last year's price. Another affordable route is a factory refurb that comes with warranty.
Any of the Canon DSLRs will do, and the less the you pay for the body the more you will have available to pay for a better lens (the component that has most impact on image quality).
You can illustrate articles or news with images taken on any camera if they are the right images and made available at the right time. I've had smartphone photos published as well as 'proper' ones taken on a DSLR or film SLR. Your first task is to develop an eye for what not only tells the story but actually adds to it.

If you want to get into journalism then you have to buy highend Digital slr camera. As per my experience you should go with Canon Dslr cameras because it is one of the best brand for cameras and giving good results compare to others. Just have a look at few of the dslr cameras.
Best of luck…

You could get a decent camera with your budget, if you spend it wisely.
Don't listen to the 'amateurs' photography is more about 'technique' than the the equipment, I always advise to pop into a camera store, even if you are determined to buy online, still do this, it lets you have a feel for which brand you prefer, and are more comfortable with, one brand will get your attention more than others. All the big brands Canon, Nikon, Pentax and Sony have models that would suit you and your budget, you might not like the 'feel' of a camera or it might be too big, small or heavy.
Just tell the salesman that their store was recommended to you and you thought you would pop in for a quick chat to help you with your decision, you have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain by doing this… And I have nothing to gain by giving you this advice… It works give it a go.
Whatever you decide.enjoy!

It doesn't sound as if you need the camera immediately.So, I would recommend that you buy some photographic magazines; there are a dozen or more published each month.
They will explain model differences, the latest technical advances, topics on using the cameras.tips on composition exposure and focussing.
You can them make up your mind as to which model would suit your needs and budget.
My only advice would be to buy a Canon or Nikon when you get around to it.

With that budget, you could get a Canon 450 with a 70-30mm lens. Some good deals on Ebay.
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