Nikon SLR Cameras

I really can't decide on a camera?


I'm having a lot of trouble deciding on a dslr camera. I want to keep the price between $400 and $650. I want a camera that has good autofocus and has very quality pictures. Preferably a canon or nikon. I'm kind of new and I don't want to get something and not like it. It's going to be a Christmas present so I don't know if I'll be able to actually go to the store and talk to them about it or whatever. Any suggestions?


Get a smart phone and save your money


Go to
pick a couple that you like
then get back to us


Cannon and Nikon are both good cameras. I swear by my Canon and my sister has a great Nikon and she swears by it. DSLR is the way to go but more important is what lenses can you afford. You will be limited on your budget. I got a cheap Canon SLR but I had old Canon EF lenses including a real good one for long distance. The lenses that reach out there are the ones that get you the remarkable pictures. I got my camera with a small telephoto lens for $650. That one will bring things up to what you see with your eye. A 200 mm is a good telephoto lens to reach out there. The black ones are ok and more affordable. If you rob a bank you can get one of the white ones. You need to do a lot more research before you buy. Be sure the second thing you buy is a lens to protect your camera lens. Check out Hoya for good ones that are affordable.