Nikon SLR Cameras

I need a nikon camera?


Ok so my birthday is coming up next month and i really want a nikon camera. But i'm not sure what to get. Does anyone know what kind of nikon camera is in this picture? Http://
so what kind is in that picture?


The picture is too dark to tell. At first I wasn't even going to comment. But this picture of this girl is STUPID! Yes Stupid! It drives me nuts that young people invest a lot of money in a quality camera and carry it like is was a $10.00 box camera. The fact that she is not using the neck strap is STUPID.

We try and help people enjoy photography with the best advise we can give. But the question that drives me nuts is "I dropped my camera, what do I do now!" In most cases the answer is buy a new camera!

Please, please, please (yes, 3 times!) use the neck strap on what ever camera you buy!

Nikon makes fine cameras, however, I think their accessories (lenses, etc) are a bit over priced).
I prefer Canon, but I recently changed to Pentax, because the viewing is easier for me. Wow that was a "personal" decision. And that's what is comes down to for you and everybody else. Handle the cameras as much as possible. You will soon notice that one "feels' better in your hands-THAT is the camera for you!


The camera in that image is some entry level Nikon DSLR. Could be something like a D3100 or D5100… Can't really tell exactly since the image is kinda small and dark.

Anyhow, if you're gonna get a Nikon DSLR, then a D3100 or D3200 is a very good start. The D5100 is also very good.