I'm looking to find a digital SLR camera?

I'm stuck between Nikon and Canon. They seem to be the major brands for this type of product. I've researched them and they both seem to have good quality. Help me choose a brand. My price range is from $1000-$1600.

I always recommend what I own and know, Canon. I have the 1000D or XS-in the states. I've had mine for over a year and it's an excellent camera.
I'm now also looking at the t1i and I'm also impressed with it. I always recommend Canon

Are you a beginner? If so, Nikon is your choice not saying that it is a noobie camera. It's an excellent brand and it's picture quality is superior to the Canon in many cases. Canon, on the other hand is for the advanced intermediate and has superior image quality as well and also better video quality. However, IMO a camera is for pictures, not videos. Nikon and Canon are both great. I have owned both and can't tell the difference in quality.
If you decide Canon, go for the new Canon 7D kit with 18-135 lens.
If you decide Nikon, go for the Nikon D7000 kit 18-105 lens.

Here is what I told a friend just recently:
"Nikon vs. Canon is more of a personal preference now and they are both equally the same.
I have the discontinued Nikon D80.It would be roughly the same as the D5000 today. The differences would be that mine is a little more of a pro camera in that it is a little more study with a metal frame and is just more robust. While the D5000 is a little more of a consumer camera it still it a good camera and in some was it is better than mine i.e. It has a CMOS image sensor which it better than the D80's CCD and other features that are on newer cameras.
I went with a Nikon because when I was picking out a camera I like the Nikon better because:
1.It has a metal frame making it stronger
2.It felt more study and stable than the Canon
3. I like the way all the buttons were placed, it is not hard to get to any of the necessary functions. They are all a button or two away but the cannons where all buried in the menu or had a complex way of changing things
4. Mine has two twist wheels for aperture and shutter which is really nice when shooting in manuel mode
5. The Cannon felt cheap and "plasticity" to me"

I would recommend Nikon D7000. Well build quality, High Speed 6 frames per second continuous shooting. Breathtaking Full 1080p HD Movies with Full Time Auto focus. Dynamic ISO range from 100 to 6400
Excellent image quality and also take great quality HD video.

Well it depends if you want to spend your entire budget on just the camera body or do you want split on lenses. At the range you set, there are a few options, all of which are good. Prices are body only
Nikon D7000 $1199
Canon 7D $1600
Canon 60D $1000
Pentax K-5 $1500
If you want simply best price to performance, the get the Nikon D7000
If you want the best image quality, get the Pentax K-5
If you want the best camera overall ( features, performance, etc) then get the 7D
If you want a good deal on a high quality semi pro camera, the get the 60D
While one can argue about the specs and the systems and image quality, in reality all of these cameras are going to produce excellent professional level results. It is really going to depend on what your particular needs are.

Your price range is excellent!
I recommend Canon EOS T2i, 60D, 7D and Nikon D3100, D90, D7000.
All have same, excellent, image quality and 99% same high ISO performance (which is very good too). D3100 and D7000 have AF while recording videos, but all 3 Canon models have more frame rates. The 60D has an articulating screen, it's the only one. 7D is fastest with 8fps, then is D7000 with 6fps and 60D with 5.3.
Here's a post called 'Buying a DSLR, what's important, megapixels, features, brand, price, quality and which one to buy - http://www.the-dslr-photographer.com/2009/03/which-dslr-to-buy.html
Here's a review of the T2i: http://www.the-dslr-photographer.com/2010/06/canon-eos-550dt2i-dslr-review.html
Here's a review of the 60D: http://www.the-dslr-photographer.com/2010/11/canon-eos-60d-dslr-review.html
Here's a review of the 7D: http://www.the-dslr-photographer.com/2010/01/canon-eos-7d-review.html
Good luck! The site has many more tutorials, tips, reviews and guides!
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