Where will I find the best deal on a new digital slr this cyber Monday?

I'm in need of upgrading my camera after I took a spill on vacation. I have a Canon 20D that has been an exceptional camera. I have to find something to replace it. Any suggestions? I'm not looking to spend more then a thousand so I'm hoping to find a good deal for cyber Monday's sales. Was looking at a Canon 60D as well as the Nikon d7000. Any advise?

Since you already have canon lenses, it would make little sense to switch over to Nikon
the 60D is a good camera, and is the same relative tier as the 20D.
as for deals, you are just going to have to shop around. I haven't seen anything of cyber monday yet. Wait til tomorrow or sunday. The deals should be coming out soon

Since you're already a Canon owner I agree it would make no sense to change systems now.
You also probably know that the majors, Canon and Nikon never reduce their prices - all that happens at the retail level. The best I've seen so far is $50 off and that's it… No big reductions but that's been the story for many years now.

Here is the link where you can find the best deal for digital slr cameras.
Hope it would be helpful for you.

If you are still Cyber Monday Shopping, here is a Free Shopping Comparison Engine that can find the best deals with one search, it works well and use it all the time. Best of Luck!
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