Nikon SLR Cameras

I can't get my nikon d500 to focus?


Basically, my nikon was fine. Then i tried to use it one day and the focus square wouldn't turn green. I then looked at my lens and it was dented around the outside. So i ordered a new lens to see if that was the problem, I attached my new lens and i still can't get it to focus.

Jim A
Jim A

Then I would check the switch at the side of the lens, where is it set? Beyond that try cleaning the lens and body contacts. Gently, with a micro fiber cloth.

Barring those call Nikon.


Where did you find a Nikon D500? The D400 is not expected until some time in 2012.

If your lens is dented, that means that something hit it really hard and it could be that you damaged the lens to the point where it Can't auto focus.

Take your camera and lens to a repair shop.

Do your other lenses auto-focus correctly? If not, you also damaged your camera. I'm really surprised that you did not notice when you damaged the camera/lens. I hope you did not loan it to anyone.

You can call Nikon and they can help you troubleshoot the problem. 800. NIKON-UX


Dented lens, replacement lens doesn't focus, take/send it to a camera repair shop.