Nikon SLR Cameras

I'm about to go on an exchange program and want to buy a camera. Any suggestions?


I will be going to France with an exchange program for a year. I don't have a lot of professional photography experience, but I'm pretty good at figuring out technological things as I go, and I would really like to be able to take some really nice pictures while I'm there. I've been taking a look at some Nikon's, but I honestly have no idea where to start. My loose price threshold is around $500.00, but that is only a guideline, and I certainly don't mind spending a bit more if it will meet my other criteria.


Considering the results obtainable with a $100 - to - $200 camera,
$500 may actually be more than you really need to spend.

Read reviews in Popular Photography magazine and on
to find the best products in your price range. has a forum where you can ask questions
about cameras in general,
as well as the good and bad points of specific models.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

You can buy a Canon Rebel T3 with a 18-55mm kit lens for about $500. A nice entry level D -SLR.
A Nikon D3100 for about $50 more. For about $ 400, you can buy the new Nikon P510, a bridge camera with a killer zoom.
You'll also need to buy a 4GB SDHC memory card.

Jillian Frawley
Jillian Frawley

Canon 60D or any canon powershot xs


If you want to be professional you need to consider a DSLR-digital single lens reflex. However every time you change subject matter like from scenic to portrait, you need a different lens. A DSLR can be a money pit! For $500.00 or a lot less you can get a "bridge" camera that will accomplish much of what a DSLR can. A DSLR is NOT a camera you purchase just before your vacation and for that matter no camera is! As it takes a few month's to get use to a camera. If you are talking a DSLR, you need the experience under your belt to kinda of know what lens or lenses you will need, and I'd say 6 months is minimum. My personal preference in DSLR's is Pentax, Canon second. There entry level cameras will do you fine.
If you are talking bridge cameras, the Canon SX 40 IS is you best bet. @ about $429.00. Remember bridge cameras do not have interchangeable lenses like DSLR"S do. But this type "bridge" camera has one very good lens that attempts to take the place of several lenses.

Smokies Hiker
Smokies Hiker

The Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm lens would be perfect for you. The kit would cost in the neighborhood of $500 to $550. Just be sure you buy from a reputable dealer that has a USA warranty included in the price. Enjoy your trip abroad!


I would suggest you Nikon COOLPIX P500 12.1 CMOS Digital Camera
- HUGE 36x Optical Zoom (at full zoom I could see buildings 5 miles away as if they were two blocks away)
- Relatively lightweight and compact, much smaller than I expected.(compared to an entry level DSLR)
- Up to 240 FPS video, nice slow motion.
- Manual controls, a must for any experienced camera user.