Nikon SLR Cameras

How to take good pics?


So me and my friend were going to take pictures just for the fun of it… We have a nice Nikon camera but our lighting sucks and i don't know how to adjust it so it looks best
I really like this lighting

If you could give me suggestions on how to get good lighting id appreciate it.


I assume the camera is digital. Is there a dial on top with some letters (A, S, P, M), and some symbols? If so, set the dial to "P" for Program. Take a picture. If the picture is too dark, or blurry (because the subject moved), increase the ISO. I can't tell you how to do that because it's different on every camera.

Light has color. The picture you showed looks like it was taken under tungsten light (light-bulbs). There's a way to correct the color, if you want to, but again, that varies from camera-to-camera.

Best bet: Get the camera's manual. It may be available on the Internet for free. Or get someone who knows photography to guide you. There's too much to tell you for one message.

Tip: if you refer to this camera again, mention the model.


Make sure that the light comes from a different direction to where your camera is, the linked photo is lit from left of camera (look at the shadows). Never use your cameras built in flash.
Use a bright lamp but shine it onto a large piece of paper close to your subject and just out of shot, this will diffuse the and soften the harsh light.