How to remove fungus from my nikon slr lens?

How to remove fungus from my nikon slr lens? The inside of the lens is very dirty and has fungus. How can i clean it from home? Or how much it will cost to clean the lens from shop in India?

Clean it at home - bad idea, too precision of a job
Have it cleaned - the better idea; no idea what labor rates are in India. Call the local camewra shop for an estimate. I'm guessing whatever $125 is in Ruppees.

Cleaning a camera lens is a job for a trained technician. It isn't something you should try. If the lens suffering from fungus is the usual 18-55mm zoom that Nikon includes with its entry-level cameras it will be cheaper to buy another 18-55mm zoom then it will to have yours cleaned/repaired.

Heavy infestation? Soak elements in vinegar.
Light streaks? Leave under the sun (capless at both ends) three hours at midday.