Fungus inside my Nikkor 18 - 105mm lens

I have a camera D90 with 18-105mm. Inside my lens there was three tiny fungus, How do am gonna remove this fungus.

I'd take it to a camera shop and have them clean and repair it. Since if it has fungus then the seals must need to be replaced.

YOU are not going to remove the fungus
You will have to have a professional lens repair person do that for you.
In the future, store your camera gear in a "dry box"

You can remove the front lens and clean behind it if the fungus is limited to that area, but I would go no further. And unless you are very sure you want to do this, take it to a camera repair shop.
To remove the front lens, you need a spanner wrench and/or rubber lens gripping donuts, such as these.
While this may be different for some lenses, it is pretty common. Note that the tools are just an example, they may or may not work for your particular lens.
But you probably have a 5yr warranty. Perhaps Nikon will repair it under warranty. I'd check to see prior to opening the lens up.
And again, this is only for the technically inclined person. If you are "all thumbs" you should not attempt it.
I learned to disassemble lenses (at least removing the front glass) on an old practice lens. Here is a website that while it is for a Nikon 50mm f/1.8, there may be some commonality.
But I'm suggesting this as a last resort, and I would not attempt to disassemble the lens beyond the front lens glass. If your fungus is deeper, I'd take it to a repair shop for sure.

I have used and highly recommend Dave's Camera - - for lens repairs. He repaired my 85mm f1.7 portrait lens for a mere $85.00 including return shipping. His work has a 6 month warranty as well.
Unless you're into destroying your lens I suggest leaving it alone and sending it to Dave.