Nikon SLR Cameras

How to recognize DSLR camera?

Dino D
Dino D

I have Nikon 8800 how do I know if it DSLR or not.aswell as with any other camera


It isn't.

DSLRs are SLRs adapted for digital.

Look into the lens, if it's an SLR, you should be able to see daylight (the lens forms part of the viewfinding system. There were some fixed-lens SLRs, but modern DSLRs have interchangeable lenses - of course, other types of camera have interchangeable lenses too.

If you remove the lens, you should see a forty-five degree mirror directly behind it (reflex) if you can't remove the lens, or there's no mirror, it isn't an SLR.


You can also tell by the size of the camera Your 8800 P&S is tiny when compared to a dSLR

8800 = 4.57 x 3.35 x 4.76 inches
Nikon D4 = 6.3 x 6.18 x 3.58 inches

And as mentioned the dSLR uses interchangeable lenses and is fully adjustable