Nikon SLR Cameras

How to make money with my camera?


Just recently bought myself a nikon camera because i love taking pictures. I'm just wondering if you could please tell me some ways of making some money with my camera if possible.


Sell it.

Other than that, sell your pics to friends and family. Set up a facebook group etc but you may want to think about putting pics on canvas for that.


You could sell the camera… That's the only easy way to make money off of it.

Despite popular belief, making money off of photography is not easy. You'll have to spend years learning about photography before you can even consider selling prints.


Sell it

Chris D
Chris D

Take good pictures that people want to buy. Find a particular niche for example urban landscapes and stick at it and develop your own style. Don't take loads of random pictures that have no common thread as people will not be able to identify you through your style.


Rent it out to someone who knows how to use it.


Making money with photography is very difficult because everyone with a DSLR/bridge camera/iPhone thinks that they are a professional photographer. These people flood the market making it difficult for real professionals to make any money.

The best way to make money with your camera is to sell it, unfortunately.

Other than that, you need to have skills and a market that no one else has (like a guy I know who was the world's first golf course photographer).


Sell it- at this point, it's the only way. If you have to ask this question, you are not ready. Think of this- are you able to reproduce the work of professionals that you see everywhere, like in ads, magazines, catalogues, weddings, etc etc? If not, then who would hire you or buy your work? I'm not being insulting, simply pointing out that everyone and their dog who spends a grand on a camera thinks they can shoot for money. The reality is that there are MILLIONS of cheap photos floating around on stock websites, taken by pros, and that is where companies go for most images. Shooting headshots or bands or something is possible- but are you honestly ready to provide them with what they require? It takes years of study and constant practice, and usually an apprenticeship to a pro, before one can start to earn any money from photography. Enjoy your hobby, and keep improving until YOU know that you're good enough by comparing your work to that of pros.

EDIT- to Eric- good ones! Hey, I just found a nice pen… Look out Shakespeare!

C'est magnifique!