How to make photos like this (money is no object)?

I want to make photos like this please tell me what i need, to make pics like this my camera is nikon d5000

Buy a white paper backdrop by Savage Paper and light it as well as your subject. Generally the backdrop should be a stop brighter than your foreground.

Money may be no object but lack of knowledge might be…
It's a high key portrait (although it doesn't look that sharp - that may be FB upload quality).
Shoot it with a DSLR, decent portrait lens, white backdrop lit about 1-2 stops higher than the subject and an even key: fill light ratio (1:1).
There - know you know & it probably means nothing to you.
Gear is nothing without knowledge & skill - don't think you can just throw money at any problem!

You need a Sigma 200-500mm F2.8 APO EX DG and a Sigma 300-800mm F5.6 EX DG APO HSM.
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