Nikon SLR Cameras

How to fix the shutter on my Nikon EM film camera?


I have just put in a new film. I'm advancing it so it will start taking pictures. However, whenever I press the shutter release button the shutter closes to reveal blackness in the eyepiece and will not open until I take off the lense and press the metal bar to fix it. Is the camera broken or is there a way to fix this?

Also the batteries are new.


I'd check that the batteries are inserted correctly, and that the contacts are clean - it's trying to tell you that there's a problem there.

Try shooting out-of-doors at 200 ASA, run the B (shutter should close smartly on release) and X settings to see if that makes any difference and see if it's working then, but the EM wasn't one of Nikon's better efforts.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

This was Nikon's bottom end 35mm camera in the mid 80's. It's probably old age and isn't worth fixing.


Your shutter is stuck. Have it fixed by a qualified film camera technician. Nothing you can do alone there. Your camera needs CLA (clean, lubricate and adjust).