How much is a used lens worth?

I have a Nikon 70-300 mm f/4 f/5.6 G lens that I want to sell. It still works great, looks new. My camera doesn't allow auto focus with this lens, which is the reason I'm selling it. What is a lens like this worth?

It's worth what someone is willing to pay for it… Used ones in good condition usually sell for about $75USD.

Well, the lens sells for $119 new, so you could try for maybe $75-$90.It is a used lens after all, and without personally inspecting it, it is hard to say what condition it is.
I went to look at a lens someone was selling "like new, hardly used" and the front element had a slight scratch. When I held it at an angle, the glass coating was rubbed off. ( He admitted dropping it and then using an abrasive polishing paste to try and hide the scratch)

At one time you could get them new for around $120. These days there's little market for this lens since the people with the motorized bodies tend to be able to spend a little more and buy quality.
If it's hardly touched and in box with paperwork I'd ebay it starting at $79.99 and see what happens.

Completed auctions on eBay for used Nikon 70-300mm f/4~5.6 G lenses show an average of $80~$100 for the AF version, and $350~$400 for the AF-S version.
Sounds like you have the less expensive AF version if you can't use the autofocus with your camera.