How much does the Nikon One camera cost in the USA?

Looking to go to New York and wonder if it is cheaper to buy one out there rather than here.

I saw them at Target for $599.

The J1 is selling for $600- $650 in the San Francisco Bay area. And I wouldn't buy it for $200!
You're better off with a bridge camera, or a real D-SLR.
I predict these EVIL cameras will be history in a year or two, maybe three.

Way more than they're worth. You do understand that EVIL cameras are simply over rated, way over priced pocket toys that change lenses don't you? And they don't even have a view finder - ugh!
If you want a real camera for the same money be looking at dslr cameras from Canon or Nikon.

This camera cost high but all depends what you want to do with it. If you just want to take picture then its too good. If you like it as hobby go with dslr.
And you already got the price from other answer. But you will be in problem with warranty if its not covered by international.sometime international warranty costs more. So better to buy in home, unless you are traveling in different state.