How much does camera film cost?

I have a Nikon film camera and i wanted to go buy some film from target. Does anyone have any clue how much it will cost?

Not offhand, but Target's website should tell you.
While there's no, 'Wrong,' choice, I'd suggest 200 or 400 ASA (ISO) colour print film in 24-exposure lengths, as it's the easiest to find and the cheapest to buy and process - the website will probably tell you about processing charges as well (turning the film into negatives and making prints).It's common these days for processors to put your images onto CD for an additional charge.

Kodak UltraMax 400 costs 7.99 $ for a pack of three films with 24 exposures each
It's the only one I found on their website, maybe they have some more in some stores. They don't sell it online.
CVS also has film e.g. That one:
They even ship it. For other films just type "film" in the search box. They have some Kodak as well.

Definitely more than a dollar