How much does film for a Nikon cost?

Ok I got a Nikon F Photomic camera and I want to buy film for it. How much does it cost? And what type of film do I use?

You use 35 mm film, but I'm sure you would have figured that out.
You can buy film at a chemists or proper camera shop. Later if you like you can order film from a site like freestyle photo at substantial savings.
Do you have a fresh battery for the cameras light meter? You can find them in camera shops
Here is a link to the cameras users manual.
And here is the user manual for the cameras light meter

At Wal-Mart you can get four 24-exposure rolls for $10.

Nice piece!
I'd advise colour print film in 24-exposure lengths. Any 35mm film will fit and there's no, 'Wrong,' answer but this is the easiest to find and the cheapest to buy/process.
Any good camera shop will supply a battery for the Photomic head - just make sure you set the head's ISO (ASA) to match the film you load.

The same price as those they use for a Holga. There's no film specific for a camera brand. What your camera uses is 35mm or size 135. You have a choice of color negative, color slide and B/W. There are also different ISO (ASA) ratings and the popular ones are from 100 to 400. Then finally there's the number of shots you can take - 12, 24 or 36.
The best to use if you don't know what to buy is ASA 200 color negative which is very forgiving with exposure errors. I hope the light meter of your camera works and you know how to use it.
It is best to buy film from a film lab that can do the developing too. Bring your camera so the guys at the lab can load it for you if not teach you how. When you're done with the first roll, go back there and let them rewind and unload the film for you for developing. You can opt not to get prints and instead have the film scanned and saved to a CD so you can see your pictures in the computer instead.
How much? Around $2 for film and around $5 for developing.

35mm film costs around £3 for a 36 exposure colour print film.
Processing to 6x4 prints and a CD with scans of the negatives around £7
You want film like this: