Nikon SLR Cameras

How long will my Nikon battery last?


Ok so i have a nikon and i will on a 50 mile backpack trip, no resupply. How long would it last, like if i recorded the whole thing and if i just took pictures. And also is there any way to conserve the batterys power so it will last longer


Different Li-ion batteries can shoot various numbers of shots.

My Nikon D300 with battery grip can take over 2200 shots, but I'm very good with my energy management.

I NEVER look at my images using the LCD and I always shut off the camera after I finish shooting even if I intend to shoot an other shot in just a minute or so.


Different cameras use different batteries that last a different number of shots - which particular Nikon do you have?

But no, it most definitely won't last for a 50 mile trip on foot if you record video all the time. That's *very* energy consuming. The SD card likely won't suffice for that either, and probably the camera will shut off long before the battery is empty due to overheating.

You could just try it out though - put it on 'rec' and leave it on your desk. See how long it lasts and then just charge the battery again.


Batteries are small and, compared to the cost of the camera, they are cheap. On the basis that without a battery your camera is a paperweight then carry 2 spares.

To max the life - the biggest drain on the battery are the LCD screen, motors for zoom and autofocus and the flash.
turn off the lcd screen, if it is a P&S minimise the amount of zooming, don't spned time admiring your handiwork between shots


You are going to need more batteries. And if you are going to take a video of the whole thing - more SD cards.

Most people walk around 2-3Mph. That suggests 18~24 hours. Backpacking may or may not be as fast, depending on terrain, so only you can determine how long the trip will take.

And it depends on the camera and resolution you use as to how much time you can get on each SD card, but a dozen 16Gb cards would not be out of the question. And I'd figure at least one battery per card.

You may want to consider an AA battery powered camera for this excursion, as you can carry enough spares with you to do the job.


You don't mention what type of camera you have. Nikon usually gives information on how many pictures you can get from a fully charged battery in the manual. I take my D40 on 2 week canoe trips without worrying about batteries since I can get over 1500 shots per charge.

Tips on getting the most from your batteries:
If your camera has a viewfinder, use it instead of live view.
Minimize the use of LCD as this consumes lots of power.
Don't show your buddies the pictures you took as this uses the LCD. Save the show for after the trip over some beers.