How does th Nikon 1 V1 compare to other SLRs?

I wanted a SLR but at the same time I wanted a camera that was compact. I was wondering if the Nikon 1 V1 would be a good investment and offers all the features that any other SLR does.

The Nikon 1 looks better than dSLR's otherwise, there's no point of comparison.

The Nikon 1 isn't a D-SLR. It's a EVIL camera. Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens.
In my opinion it's not a good buy. It doesn't have a viewfinder that you can look through, nor a hot shoe for a flash.
I played with one in the store and found it hard to hold. It also had a cheap feel to it. It has a small sensor, and has very limited lens available for it. Also over priced.
I'd take a serious look at the D3200 myself.

It does not compare at all.
It is a pocket size camera that uses interchangeable lenses.
It is designed for those who want some of the flexibility of a dSLR (interchangeable lenses and manual control), but want to be able to carry the camera and second lens in their purse or briefcase. It is an EVIL camera, meaning that it has an electronic viewfinder.
You really need to visit a proper camera shop and hold both in your hands to see if it fits your requirements

The problems are, as I see it, this is an over rated, way over priced pocket toy that happens to take different lenses and doesn't have a view finder.
These EVIL cameras don't even compare to any dslr camera on the market. If you want a dslr don't buy this.
By the way, just so you know your terms an SLR is a film camera, a DSLR is a digital camera.
This camera doesn't compare to either one in any standard of comparison. This is a snappers camera not meant for serious photography. If you're serious, don't buy this.
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