Nikon SLR Cameras

How to get a Nikon Digital Camera off of the Bulb setting?


I just put on a macro lens and no matter what I do I can't get the shutter speed off of the Bulb setting. I have tried different modes and everything.


Put the camera on manual mode (I don't know what you have, but all nikon Dslrs and film bodies made after 1998 have this feature) and adjust your command dial (wheel on the back of the camera) to change your shutter speed (scroll it alot in both directions). Chances the macro lens you are using is either an addon (macro rings, filters, bellows, screwn on's) or slower than f4 and is setting your meter off so that the picture will only come out at bulb because there isn't enough light coming in (you are probably in shade or a darker environment).

Check your apeture too and set it to it's widest opening (which varys per lens) ie f/1.8, f/2.8, f/3.5, f/4, f/5.6 etc then set your Shutter speed by scrolling your command dial (I believe to the right).

Hope it helps


Put the mode to M or S. Roll the wheel. If one direction doesn't work, try the other.


If you have your camera manual, read it.

If you actually have tried "everything" then maybe you camera is broken.