Holga Camera? Printing?

I'm thinking of buying a holga camera, the images i have seen are great and unique!
i have only ever used a Nikon digital camera and am completely unknown as to how i can actually get my photos from the holga film - don't judge me…
so i hear you need a dark room, but what do i do? What's the process of getting the images from the film?
Also where would i be able to find a dark room? I live in kent (dartford) UK?

You'd better ask around if any shops can process 120 film.

First, you need to decide which Holga you want to get. Some use 120 film and others use 135 (35mm) film. Most people just have their film processed, developed, and printed at a photo lab. Not all labs do 120 film though.
If you want to develop and print your own photographs, it will run you ~$400(used) to $1000+(new) to gather the equipment you would need (tanks, trays, timers, thermometers, enlarger, chemicals, papers, etc) and you will need a way to safely dispose of the processing chemicals.
Should you decide to do your own processing, I would suggest you start with B&W film as the method is more forgiving than color film is.
As far as a dark room, most people build their own in a spare utility room or bathroom (preferably with a locking door so someone doesn't walk in and ruin any work in progress).It also needs to be completely lightproof if you plan on doing your own printing, otherwise you can use a film changing bag/tent if you are just going to develop the film and have it printed elsewhere.

You can always have someone else develop film for you. When you buy film, ask the store where you can have it developed. Sometimes they do, sometimes it's just in the drugstore or supermarket.

Colour dev can be a pain in the backside. Most people find it more convenient to have it done for them at a lab. Most labs do dev+print but this can be expensive especially if you choose the 120 Holga. If you want a dev+print it's best to select the best images to print as the whole lofi photography thing is quite hit and miss.
It's a lot more cost effective to work black and white, with some basic equipment you can dev and print pretty much in your bathroom. Unfortunately with BW you lose much of the lofi appeal. Therefore your choice.

I've used these guys loads. Their prices are pretty good, they can do X-pro and black and white, return postage is free and you can opt to get prints with a free CD or no prints and just get them on a CD.
If you're interested in Lomography come and join the community too. It's completely free and there's loads of stuff to do like read/write articles, camera reviews, share photos online, etc. Sign up using the link and you get 10 piggies to spend in the online store too (which you can use against buying your Holga!) https://account.lomography.com/register?voucher=veato