Holga HL-N or Diana F+ Lens Adaptor?

I have a Nikon DSLR, and enjoy the retro look of holga/lomography. As I was looking at these two lens/lens adaptors, i was having trouble deciding which one to get.
Both are very inexpensive:
HL-N (Holga) = $25
Diana F+ Lens Adaptor = $12 (the lenses are approx. $30-$40)
Which do you think i should get?
Diana -- http://usa.shop.lomography.com/cameras/diana-f-cameras/diana-f-accessories/diana-f-lens-adaptor-nikon-mount
Holga -- http://shop.holgadirect.com/collections/holga-camera-accessories/products/holga-nikon-camera-slr-lens-hl-n

The Holga HL-N is a good choice.
You can't go wrong with it.
I purchased it on www.holgacamera.net, the price is $23.