Nikon SLR Cameras

Help picking a camera to get


Okay, I'm like every other teenage girl who wants a fancy camera. However, I don't want a huge one like every other teen because I want to be able to bring it places. My parents also don't understand that cameras are expensive, and they want something like $500 or lower. I really want the Nikon 1 (The Ashton Kutcher camera) but its too expensive. On amazon its still expensive, and I don't want to get a used one just in case. Is there anywhere you can get it really cheap? Or any other camera suggestions? By the way, I want a camera that has really good focus!


See if you like Olympus E-PL3, and if it's expensive then Olympus E-PL2. They are both better than Nikon 1 series and cheaper as well.


Don't bother with a camera from the 1 series. Amazon's prices are not expensive. Check out the Coolpix P500 and Powershot SX40.