Nikon SLR Cameras

Have you ever rent a pro Camera? Is it worth rening cams?


Like 5D, 1D or c-300, SLR nikons and etc?
i need a canon 5D for about 2 days with prime lenses is it worth renting Camera and accesories or you think i should buy one?(i just need it for this project)
cause i hav no idea what to do to rent em

Added (1). Thanks for answering, is there anywhere that i can rent sony ex3 or fs100? I live in phoenix


Renting camera for specific projects is common, although it usually concerns renting video cameras.

The good thing is that the rental costs are a business write off.

Usually the only cameras that are available for rent are Canon and Nikon.

philip bergset
philip bergset

There might be some useful links here


It is common for people to rent a camera, even people that shoot all the time. Usually it is pro's that rent them and there's plenty of good reasons. You don't have to buy them obviously, but also by renting them you pass on the cost to the client and aren't stuck with aging gear. No maintenance to worry about either. By renting you always get up to date stuff. If you're traveling it's common to rent gear so you're not having to lug around camera and stuff al over the place. It's not pro's that just rent them either, a lot of people just need a camera for a project and rent, like in your case. Other's are people that want to try out gear to see if it fits in with they are considering buying.

There are drawbacks obviously, you have to give the gear back and if you don't return it on time, they will be very angry at you, There maybe another person wanting to use it, and if you make them wait, they will punish you severely. You usually also must have enough credit to pay for the gear if you run out on them. So if you rent 10 grand in gear, you will need 10 grand in credit. If you don't return it, they will charge your credit the full amount to replace it.

In your case, I recommend renting, why would you spend thousands of dollars on camera equipment when you only need it for a few days.