Nikon SLR Cameras

Good, cheap DSLR camera?

Pedro Pablo
Pedro Pablo

Are there any DSLR cameras under $400? It doesn't matter if its Canon, Nikon, Sony, etc…


Umm I hope that you realize that any good dslr camera te cheapest price is like 650$? I know, crazy right?


DSLR's start at around $500 brand new. You can get a decent secondhand dSLR at around $250 if you persevere long enough.

Jim A
Jim A

Not new ones no. Least is $550 or so at the consumer level, most about $900. You need more money.

Used is an option but be very careful. Make sure you can hold, examine and shoot with the camera you choose and then be able to upload and look at the photos you've taken. Be sure you know everything you can about any used gear before you pay anything.

Otherwise, save up some more and buy, as I always do, new.