Nikon SLR Cameras

Would like to upgrade my DSLR but memory card issues? - 1


I'd like to upgrade my dSLR, but it takes compact flash. I have enough of those lying around and I don't have any SDHC or SD. Which DSLRS take only CF and are inexpensive? I've been looking at the Nikon D200 and D80. I really love the D3000, but it only takes SD.


The D200, D300 and all the Nikon Dx (D1, D2 and D3) cameras use the more robust CF cards

The D3000 would NOT be an upgrade from a D200. The D200 is the professional version of an APS-C camera used by photographers who need that extra reach when shooting sports, action and wildlife.

The D3000 is an entry level camera that only uses AF-S lenses, so any of your current AF lenses will have to be manually focused with that camera

If you can find a good used D300 or D200, you will be way ahead in your quest of upgrading to a better camera

You did not mention which camera you have now that uses CF memory cards.


I really would not base your next camera on the fact that you want to reuse old CF cards.

8GB SDHC cards from Lexor and other very good companies are $15-20 at places like B&H, it's even less for 4GB cards. Just figure that in when comparing the costs of new gear.


Almost all pro Canon's use compact flash. Nikons and Canon Rebels use SD