Nikon SLR Cameras

What's the difference between these cameras?


I bought a Nikon D3100 last year just because I wanted higher quality photos than a point and shoot. I don't fancy myself a photographer even though my mom makes me take pictures of everyone because of my camera being "fancy".

But I know some people that have "better" cameras than I do. My mom was bragging about my stupid camera to these people and they pulled out theirs and were like, "Oh, well, I have a D7000… I just bought it to splurge on myself!" and this one kid who gives me dirty looks was like "I have a D800" and then he rolled his eyes. He's not even a professional photographer nor does he want to be one.

And looking at the photos from all three cameras, I can't really tell a difference. Someone told me the only difference was the kid the with the D800 can take a photo and it will have less pixels if he blows the photo up really big.

Added (1). I didn't mean to say "my stupid camera" as if I was being ungrateful. I just know it's not the best out there so it's embarrassing when she brags about it.


The ONLY difference in the images that they can produce is totally based upon the skills of the user.

There's a small difference in that the Nikon D7000 can use any of the Nikkor AF, AF-I and AF-S lenses while your camera uses the AF-I and AF-S lenses, but if you use an AF lens, you need to manually focus with them.

The new D800 is a full frame camera, so there's a difference in the size of the cameras sensor, but again, without the proper skills, all the images will look like snapshots.

Enjoy your nice D3100 and avoid the "measurebaters" or "modelbaters"

Masticina Akicta
Masticina Akicta

The best camera is the camera you have with you

For some that is a simply basic point and shoot model for others that is a basic DSLR. In the end what matters is that you can handle the tool you have.

A person who owns the best. But doesn't knows how to handle it will get worse pictures then someone with an old camera but that knows it by heart.

Not to mention photography is not only about knowing your tools but also WHAT you want with it. The ability to frame the shot, use your tools well to get the best result on the spot.

So really someone having a "better" model means nothing. If someone gave a child a Canon 3ds I don't expect super shots back.why? Because I don't expect the child to have the experience of a pro photographer.

So the person who owns a "better" model so what. So what. What matters is getting the picture. And that is something even a person with a compact camera might be able to get.

So just relax and use your camera, go out and shoot. Oh and give yourself a nice 50mm F1.8 as a gift one me you'll see why!